[MESSAGES] Letters SNSD wrote to their moms for Inkigayo03/01/09
Posted 01 March 2009 - 01:07 AM
Unfortunately, Yoona and Tiffany didn't write a letter or SBS just didnt show it..
Don't attack me if my translations are wrong a bit, the vid had bad quality, and i tried my best ^^
Seohyun: "Mom...Thank you for giving all your love to me. I will be a daughter that you can be proud of"
Jessica:"I will be a lovely daughter that always smiles. Don't be sick. I love you"
Hyo:"Mom~ Hi >.< thank you for giving life to me, and raising me. Love you."
Taeng: "Thank you for believing in my decision, and supporting me. I am proud of you and want to be like you mom."
Yuri: "I can't find the words to decribe how thankful I am. I love you. I thank you for the infinite love and words of support."
Sunny:"I will work harder to be a better daughter. I miss you and love you."
SY:"I know Mom loves me a lot. I know i can't love my mom more than she loves me, but I love her more than anything. To the greatest happiness of my life...."
Credits: [email protected]/forums
banner by monica and jennie
Posted 01 March 2009 - 01:10 AM
im feel a bit sad when hearing this song! did taeng drop her tear?
Posted 01 March 2009 - 01:12 AM
Posted 01 March 2009 - 01:54 AM
Posted 01 March 2009 - 02:14 AM
the girls really love their moms =] and they all seem to have a good relationship with them^^
I'm happy for them ~ too bad yoong and tiff couldn't write one too
thanks for the translations dongie !
banner pics: hongstar
Posted 01 March 2009 - 02:27 AM
Sooyoung's message is very touching..
Hyoyeon's message seemed casual.. Like friends..
And Taengoo broke down during the perf.. Our Taengoo.. Be strong.
Wonder what Yoong and Fany wrote.. especially Fany.. T-T
Thanks for the translation..
The bond that can never be broken..
Forever TaeNy + YulSic
Posted 01 March 2009 - 05:56 AM
I think its hard to sing this song without crying. The girls are bringing all their emotions to the surface when they sing. If they sing Himnae, they are bringing all their joy into their song. When they sing Gee, they bring all their adolescent dreams of love and infatuations into the song. For Dear Mom, its like all the times that they shared together with their moms growing up and now realizing afresh how little time they can spend with their moms. So all those memories combined with all the hardships to bring forth hope and goodness. Families are so important in korean culture, and there are few bonds deeper than the one between mother and daughter. I think this song really taps into the flavor of that unique relationship.
Posted 01 March 2009 - 06:04 AM
ah! i'm getting flutters in my stomach just thinking about it lol ^^
Posted 01 March 2009 - 06:31 AM
i bet fany has lots to say. a sentence is just nt enuff for her.
i bet everyone has de same thoughts too.
a sentence jus cant show de feelings of de gals after being away frm home fer so long.
Posted 01 March 2009 - 07:27 AM
gotta admit, i felt a lil sad reading these. oh man now i gotta go watch the perf..
thanks for the translations!
Posted 01 March 2009 - 10:48 AM
The girls are so... well, they're good daughters... I'm serious when I say Dear Mom helped me grow up even more as a person. Amazing feat, for a simple song.
Anyways...to be an entertainer is... like the girls don't speak of it a lot... but I can only begin to imagine how it is to be rarely seeing your parents/family, even at important events of your life (I'm thinking of Yoong and Sooyoung's graduation...and their birthdays...) and so on. I don't know...
I wish the girls all the best... Hwaiting... as fans I hope we give them strength. Lots of it... Because the girls give us fans back a lot... of energy, happiness and optimistic...strength...?
PS. I think Tiffany's mom is probably...probably...she already...passed away...? I think we learned that from the "Thanks To..." in their first album (is that the case?)
But I also wonder...what about Yoona's mom? As someone said in the Sbox, Yoona only talks about her father and sister...? I remember there was this show where a camera followed Yoona around for a while (a day or so?- I think it was Good Morning too..?) and even then...
Does anyone know anything about that...?

hardworking.dreaming.pure.diverse.talented.persevering.dorks.asdfghjkkl;.Soshi. S♥ne
No other words to describe the love.fangirling.hype.support.strength.bond.
Credits: .Heather <3 Thank you
Posted 01 March 2009 - 11:10 AM
PS. I think Tiffany's mom is probably...probably...she already...passed away...? I think we learned that from the "Thanks To..." in their first album (is that the case?)
But I also wonder...what about Yoona's mom? As someone said in the Sbox, Yoona only talks about her father and sister...? I remember there was this show where a camera followed Yoona around for a while (a day or so?- I think it was Good Morning too..?) and even then...
Does anyone know anything about that...?
im also wondering about yoona too. i found it strange in that interview during the YAMD, her mom wasnt at lunch.. and i just read in the thread about this performance in the tiffany forum that yoona's parents had seperated? anyone know more?
Posted 01 March 2009 - 01:03 PM
I am sorry to both Fany and YoonA. we know about fany's situation but im sure there is a reason which yoong didn't write a note to her mother. we have yet to find out and i just hope people don't keep pressing on that matter (i am sure this will happen). when she is ready she will tell everyone and until then i hope they don't bug her too much, and bug fany less as well! Yoona & Fany hwaiting!! SOSHIjjangS2
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juhyun ♥ -> avatar
sica-effect ♥ -> JeNy sig
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Posted 01 March 2009 - 02:19 PM
Posted 01 March 2009 - 02:49 PM
Not really reliable info but at the time, people were saying Yoona's mom lives apart from Yoona's family cuz she works abroad...But I also wonder...what about Yoona's mom? As someone said in the Sbox, Yoona only talks about her father and sister...? I remember there was this show where a camera followed Yoona around for a while (a day or so?- I think it was Good Morning too..?) and even then...
Does anyone know anything about that...?
Posted 01 March 2009 - 04:20 PM
although their messages just short, its soo touching and meaningful for their mom.
I knw its hard for fany to write the message... but yoona?
Posted 01 March 2009 - 04:21 PM
Such a great love from the daughters to the mothers.
I especially touch with Sooyoung words.
SY:"I know Mom loves me a lot. I know i can't love my mom more than she loves me, but I love her more than anything. To the greatest happiness of my life...."
Thanks a lot for the translation.
You did great!!! :sq_silver_biggrin:
We Are Nothing Without 9
Taengoo: "데뷔 후 라디오에서 이렇게 즐거워하는 시카는 처음보내요."
Sica: "탱구랑 같이 있어서 그래여~" -- From ChinChin 090723
Posted 01 March 2009 - 05:47 PM
i was wondering if anyone had translated the letters..
their letters sound so sweet and cute!!

Posted 01 March 2009 - 06:44 PM

Posted 02 March 2009 - 12:05 AM
this really makes me miss my mum too...
sooyoungs one tugged at my heart,
"I know i can't love my mom more than she loves me, but I love her more than anything."
aww.. :sq_silver_unhappy:

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