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I passed! YESSSS!! After 3 years of taking the test.. FINALLY! In His time. In God's time. I am more than ready now. :)

Yes, thank you!! =] I worked for a total of 2 days—from day to night—to strive for perfection for this test. I think I might be getting my result tomorrow :D I handed to my respective recruiter yesterday.
Jul 24 2014 10:13 PM -
I'll tell you more about when the result is out =] You will see a red name if I am in. ahh my heart is skipping a beat right now OTL OTL
Jul 24 2014 10:16 PM -
I felt the same way when I was waiting for the results! :D Hard work pays off, so we'll be hoping for good results. :)
Jul 24 2014 10:33 PM