Community Status Updates
Kzu → oniontaker
Hello Onion! Sad to see you're gone. Thank you for all that you have done. Your tumblr posts were always a good source of information and interesting reads. I wish you well in your offline life and endeavors. Thank you again.
Aug 05 2012 10:53 PM
jxkay → oniontaker
Thank you so much for all you have done for the fandom.Honestly,you've not only made me a better S<3NE,but also a better person.Your opinions often broadened my perspective.I've learnt a lot from you.I wish you all the best in life.May the odds be ever in your favour XD.
Aug 05 2012 04:04 AM
Jojo162 → oniontaker
Onion, dude! It's a pleasure to know you all these while in this fandom. Your sarcastic replies and comments; those logic you were replying in tumblr! I salute you that much! And because of you, I'm highly inspire and also have much improvement in my English vocabs and debates. Thank you very much! Though, it's sad to know that you're leaving the fandom, I wish you the best for what's you're doing now and the future. :D
Aug 04 2012 05:46 PM
always_yoona_angel → oniontaker
Hello Oniontaker! I´m really glad to meet you here. Thank you for all your posts on tumblr and all your tweets on twitter. I really like all of them because you seem always honest with all of the things you share. All the infos that you gave us were always true. Thank you. :) Also Thank you for your suggestion/help at Sooyoung´s spazz thread. I changed it. Thank you for sharing your post about this "Rude" matter.
May 25 2012 10:30 PM
bindiraditya → oniontaker
hi oniontaker!
i heard you had a visit to kaskusone
im not one of them but im from indonesia
nice to know that there is a very normal and logical sone like you
Aug 01 2011 04:11 AM
i heard you had a visit to kaskusone
im not one of them but im from indonesia
nice to know that there is a very normal and logical sone like you
serendipity → oniontaker
haven't been on tweeter in...ages. hahaha how are things?
May 05 2011 03:31 AM
serendipity → oniontaker
wth...??? marks!! i'm gonna have to translate it: jjang shik~ jal eet suh?
May 03 2011 02:31 AM