Community Status Updates

OMG SNSD is in New York but I can't go see them >_> All because of stupid midtem.......Arhggggg

OMG My 7 posters order came today!! Waaa Waaa I'm excited!! Woo hoot With a totally of 10 poster. Where am I going to put you guys!! T^T

Got my order of SNSD 1st Concert DVD!! I'm going to go broke soon LOL but have to get all the snsd stuff!!

I'm going broke with all these snsd release stuff!!! Arggghh What am I going to do!!

tramanh → sanwantan
Hahaha it's fine!! I just pass the crazy exam weeks and finally have sometime for myself!! LOL school is crazy...So don't worry about it.
I look forward to your update!!
I look forward to your update!!

Just fingured out that 2 of my friends are in love with SNSD's Gee!! Wat happen to knowing everything?? ^^

kim hyun sup → tramanh
Happy birthday! Wish you all the best in life! Fighting!=))