Community Status Updates
Fany Fany Tiffany! → Rosemariae
Just wanted to say, I remember you said you were in TNTT, and I think I might have seen you around during like Dai Hoi Nguon Song or something this year... yea idk just wondering. I'm with Doan Ane Thanh (Holy Spirit) so yea.
Sep 15 2012 10:02 PM
Fany Fany Tiffany! → joeMAmaaaaa
Hey man! Long time no talk! Yea I stopped subbing last year. I was kicked cause of inactivity. I was busy with school, so yea.
Aug 08 2010 01:02 PM
joeMAmaaaaa → Fany Fany Tiffany!
other joe! man it's been long, bro. when'd u stop subbing?
Aug 08 2010 11:22 AM