Community Status Updates

If anyone receives a weird message from me, I'm sorry. Weird spam mail -.-

Please help and like the fb page GuamiAmSME so that people on Guam can watch the movie too :D

Please help and like the fb page GuamiAmSME so that people on Guam can watch the movie too :D

Spazzing that I finally found a picture from the photo book from when I saw SNSD on guam! heck yeah!

LoveAngel → VANCEii
Hahaah it's okay.
i didn't notice other comments too, so I ended up changing my settings.
But yeah I'm a proud SONE from Guam, who will be leaving Guam in a bit... And you're not a bad SONE. Don't worry everyone gets caught up in something.
i didn't notice other comments too, so I ended up changing my settings.
But yeah I'm a proud SONE from Guam, who will be leaving Guam in a bit... And you're not a bad SONE. Don't worry everyone gets caught up in something.