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MayuYuki → Jackobob
Jack if you want to there a project @ the Jphip forums a Mayu 20th Bday project more here

Just has a thought on how TTS was formed i think basically producers said Ok guys Taeny want a subgroup we need another member then everybody went not it and seo was left and now she's like the ahjumma going round with them just like don't touch that no you can't buy that, no we aren't buying a pet tiger, god damn you two stop that

Yay music industry in media we have to put together a bunch of clips of our favourite songs it gonna be small clips of random songs that remind you of your childhood and etc then long clips of lovely snsd woinderfulness

really want soshi to come to uk need this to happen need them north as well we northern uk SONES need loved to please love us snsd

Woohoo found pages for buying snsd stuff deffo gonna be donning the wristbands and phone charm here I come Soshi paradise

I need soshi out of my head I know it doesn't help listening to their music but i'm trying to get research (ok its on k-pop representation) soshified and ******* keep distracting me ahh well its research

SONES since we are such a legendary community i thought i might post a pic of my drawing of the snsd logo be warned its rubbish

What does anybody think about how they've changed from the cute maknaes to the strong independent women they are now really think its cool

Oh also (haha album reference/ song reference) I need your users help for my media research project I need to know what you people think about their change of representation from gee till now aka I Got A Boy only doing that as shows greatest change

Basically I'm a new user I'm from the UK and am in love with SNSD they're epic i don't even understand but it still sounds so good

Hey, fellow UK SONE! =) Welcome to Soshified~ Feel free to PM me if you need any help around here~
Jun 17 2013 07:46 AM