Community Status Updates

dorkymushroom07 → asiasin
Annyeong! Chingu ah~ ^___^ Nice to see you on my profile...and i'm very sorry for my late response ^^*bows* How are you?

It's okay. I don't really update my account that often ㅋㅋㅋ life is pretty busy and it sucks, i can't even read ne fics now. BTW, Can u recommend me some very good fics? :)
Jun 08 2013 12:10 AM

I've just realized how illiterate I am in this site~!! I don't really know too much stuff here. Haha.

asiasin → dorkymushroom07
Hi~~!! I'm viewing your profile again. ^__^ i don't really have something to say, but have a nice day! :)

I really hope the other 8 girls would also create their instagrams or twitters..

dorkymushroom07 → asiasin
Hello~~ ^^ Asiasin ssi *bows* Thank you for adding me as your friend, and for viewing my profile.