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You aren't a SONE if you can't bring yourself to support a part of a whole. Each member is equally as significant, each member deserves just as much love and respect as the other. To deny even one member of their deserved glory denies you the title of SONE.
Apr 17 2013 05:26 AM


You aren't a SONE if you can't bring yourself to support a part of a whole. Each member is equally as significant, each member deserves just as much love and respect as the other. To deny even one member of their deserved glory denies you the title of SONE.
Apr 17 2013 05:25 AM


Since when was Jessica your favorite member, Mirza? Btw, I'll be in SG for a study trip in July, just thought you might want to know. Also, where's my birthday gift, you camel? xD
Apr 11 2013 04:51 AM


"the longer snsd stay at the top of the markets they've already conquered, the more attn they get from those markets that are hungry to know what's popular elsewhere. they could retire now and be proud of their legacy, but they're still there for us, working every day, working just as hard now as before their rise. wherever they end up, they've earned me as a fan" My thoughts exactly.
Feb 15 2013 05:22 PM


"i think to make it as a solo artist and not lose sanity in the process, but to remain healthy and have a sense of humor with the whole thing requires exceptional intelligence and good friends. that's snsd's strength. they'll have each other wherever they go, and no matter the pressure, they'll stay consistent. i mean, letterman show? live? tiny stage? new remix? nailed it. ppl who start young in showbiz rarely survive it. look at britney. crackup, shaved head... uhhh. wha...
Feb 15 2013 05:21 PM


시카 누나, 너무 애쁜 건 반칙이잖아요 <3
Feb 11 2013 07:28 AM


The chances of seeing a Girls' Generation member in here can be compared with the odds of winning in an obscure and complex variant of poker in a pitch-dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a Dealer who won't tell you the rules, looks like Kim Jong Il, and who smiles all the time.
Dec 31 2012 10:35 PM