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WOOT after the Flash mob we all went to KTown (first time there) and I got the Genie Japanese Version Poster for $3 :D wooo!! I couldn't find the Japanese. Album, so i picked up f(x)'s

You should have went to Kinokuniya with us, SNSD's Japanese album was definitely there!!! It was a bit pricy though, but I did buy the Japanese magazine that they were covering! I'm going to post all the things I bought with SNSD on it on the Facebook group tomorrow <3
Jun 25 2011 08:41 PM -
(totally late) IT WAS THERE?????? UGH. I would of used my card....that im not supposed to use. its only for emergencies. but SNSD is an emergency. lmao
Jul 09 2011 09:21 AM