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MadToonz → myfavisyuri
Hey no worries Yang! =] Ah I really hope I get to attend a gg concert in the future. It's a must! Oh as for the was a no good. BUT I have good news. I got hired at one of the dining halls YAYY! I'm no longer jobless haha I get to start next week after I do the training and get my uniform. ^^ So yup that's how things have been going

I also have exams to study for so it'll be a bit busy soon. Hope all is going well with you! =]
Oct 25 2013 11:10 AM

myfavisyuri → MadToonz
michh. sorry for the late reply. gg con was awesomeeeee! I want to go again. haha. yesh I feel proud that it succeed. you still have not heard about the job interview? that's a long wait lets hope for the best ^_^ Always thinking positive you :)))))

MadToonz → myfavisyuri
No worries at all! How was the GG concert? I heard if was a success with the fan events. ^^ It's great to see that sones can make the concert just as great of an event for the girls as well. Hmm so I still haven't heard from the job interview I had a week ago. lol I don't know what to about that =/ Ah I'm not that philosophical! haha I just try not to let little things in life get me down you know. =]

myfavisyuri → MadToonz
boo! sorry for the late reply. I'm happy for you that you have ascertained what you wish to do this year for school. but of course it's always easier said than being done. so hwaiting Michelle. With how it is, your words and all, you are definitely more philosophical than me xD

MadToonz → myfavisyuri
Of course! Haha this new school year I'm definitely more focused! >.<No more slacking and fooling around. ahah Thanks, I hope this time really is the answer. Yeah I try to think that hey just because one thing is not successful, that does not mean the future will be the same. Always stay positive and take each experience as a stepping stone to move forward. =]

myfavisyuri → MadToonz
hey michh. thanks for your advice. you have fun in this new semester of yours haha :) all of the interviews are for in school job? yeap never back down. this third one might just be your answer. or even sometimes when we think we didn't do well, in reality it was okie. so hope you got the job you want. :)))

MadToonz → myfavisyuri
No worries at all! I can it's safe to say we're both busy people now. haha Ah Yang take care of yourself!! DX get lots of rest and eat food! Wish you the best with training. =] So...I've had 3 interviews so far and 2 of them was no good. I just had my 3rd interview today and it went quite well. I'll know their decision next week so hopefully 3rd time is the charm. lol

myfavisyuri → MadToonz
hey hey. sorry been busy these days with my training. and I am sick to add on to it lol.

I will try to be at home cos it's my comfort Yes don't give up and patience will pay off. You can do it. :))
Sep 25 2013 11:08 PM

MadToonz → myfavisyuri
Ahh I see...good luck with it and work hard! But do get your rest. >.< Well home is always more comfortable than anywhere else right? haha But you can't always stay there forever. I've been applying to several on-campus jobs online but none of them replied back yet. I'll probably apply to a few more in person after I move in tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get hired somewhere

myfavisyuri → MadToonz
Michelle~ been busy. >o<. I am undergoing training and it will be 3 more weeks before i start my job officially, God willing. I guess you will prefer to stay at home than at dorm as it is, don't you? haha :) So did you get the part time job you were looking for? hehe

MadToonz → myfavisyuri we become adults we have to be professional, especially at workplace and what not. haha Oh gosh I'm heading back to my school dorms in a week! I've gotten too used to living at home lately. haha How have things been going with you these days Yang? =]

myfavisyuri → MadToonz
hahaha. yeap yeap that is right. tee hee. hmm? being a working adult I can only be a kid at heart. uahaha. Matured mindset needed lol

MadToonz → myfavisyuri
ohh...well I guess you really have to know the material either way. haha eww you're an adult! =P It's okay though because you can always be a kid at heart. ^^

myfavisyuri → MadToonz
hahah. unfortunately it's not that simple. sometimes the notes they provided is absolutely not helpful lols. yeapp you just enjoy being a kid. haha. :). I'm the adult now. T.T

MadToonz → myfavisyuri
omg If my exams were open book I would ace all of them! >.< oh well just gotta work hard and survive a couple more years. I'm not ready to be an adult yet! LOL