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cateyes → cagalli
Wow I can't believe you caught that! Lol I would have never see that hahaha thank you for telling me. It was a typo and my lazy self couldn't stop copy/paste the same phrase lol >< I will learn not to do that lol^^

byunbyuneiy → cateyes
hey...hahah dont tell mu you send to all your reader about the new year thing ? hahahah youre so nice thanks :>

Yep, I did hahaha You're even nicer, you replied LOL Well Happy New Year!!! Btw I love you profile picture. It matches your user name very well.
Jan 08 2012 02:20 PM

bambooeychopsuey → cateyes
Happy New Years to you too! :) It's not New Year's yet for me too. -__- I have like 5 hours and a half left...... Eastern Time in the US :D

Haha I go by central time so you're ahead of me by an hr or 2? lol happy new year!! Good luck with everything! And update ur one-shot. I wanna know the ending! =D
Dec 31 2011 04:59 PM -
Good Luck to you too!:) I think it's an hour difference. I wanted to finish the two-shot today, but I can't since I'm away from home.-______- I'll probably finish it tomorrow or Wednesday. :D
Jan 02 2012 05:55 AM

cateyes → milkiceblend
Dude!!!! I miss u man! Lol who's the other person Taeng seeing? Tiffany lol who else would she being seeing? The one-shot wasn's really a one-shot since it was just the past of Taengsic in the on-going story. Sorry for confusing you! btw how was the concert? I'm soooooo jealous>.>

Dude. You're finally online! I'm always here yo! Haha.
I thought the great mighty flirtatious tae is hooking someone else! Haha
The concert was AWESOME ! words can't really describe how it was. U have to experience it yourself!
Damn. I miss them so much!
Dec 30 2011 11:20 AM -
how could you miss them already? U just get to see them-_- lol I will never get to see them. But I know what u mean. I think I would faint if I see them in real life hahaha seriously, I think jeti would cry if teang hooks up with anyone else.
Dec 30 2011 02:49 PM -
Haha!! Taeng is only gay for jeti!
It's been a, month since u last saw them ! That's long....
You will get to see them live one day! They are global stars u know!
And happy new year to you too!
Jan 01 2012 11:00 AM

bambooeychopsuey → cateyes
Love Digimon!! Adventure Time is so random, and byun that I have to love it. Hahaha, sone PD (my status) Glad to see you like it too!:D

cateyes → LoveeeSNSD
Merry Late Christmas!!! =D sorry, I'm late again.... But it wasnt my fault, this time. I just didnt get the anyway, thank you so much for reading my crappy story! U r one of my fav reader as well. Have a wonderful new year! Lol I know I'm early for that.

cateyes → yourloudmouth
Lol I am sorry! I just saw ur message like 2s econds ago.... I'm always super late on things hahaha I will change ur name asap. Sorry for not noticing your message.

cateyes → bambooeychopsuey
Omg u like Digimon and Adventure Time? Noooooo way!!!!! =D

LoveeeSNSD → cateyes
Hello! Merry Christmas! You're one of my favourite writers! :D Haha

yourloudmouth → cateyes
Annyeong, can you please remove 'claudine23' on your pm list and put me instead. I changed my display name. Thanks! :)

milkiceblend → cateyes
So, its just a big hill with dorms built on it? lol, like Genting?(don’t know if you know that place.)
So, will you be opening up MS Word and start typing? haha
So, will you be opening up MS Word and start typing? haha