Community Status Updates

bambooeychopsuey → so nyuh shi dei
I couldn't PM you. Sorry :) This is for That Starstruck Dork ...two-shot

cagalligs → so nyuh shi dei
Hey, I can't send you a PM >< So here's the I'd Rather update =)

gosonyushidae → so nyuh shi dei

so nyuh shi dei → tipco09
hey there,,maybe you can use this one.. http://i1120.photobu...LOCKSMITH11.png or
cause i request my sig to one of the members.. its her bday gift to me... so maybe you can use the other i send you...
cause i request my sig to one of the members.. its her bday gift to me... so maybe you can use the other i send you...

tipco09 → so nyuh shi dei
Hi! I'm one of your avid readers. Can you be
my friend? By the way, I like your siggy. May I copy and use it too? Its not the official locksmith sig but its beautiful.
my friend? By the way, I like your siggy. May I copy and use it too? Its not the official locksmith sig but its beautiful.

Saytii → so nyuh shi dei
late replay! waahhh.. indi kuh nah navivisit SOSHIFIED account kuh matagal nah! waahh .. ANNYEONG ~

Saytii → so nyuh shi dei
i know its you..
haha korean characters wont work here.. haha
haha korean characters wont work here.. haha