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SoNyuhShi Daelover → duomaxwell_hiko
Jul 17 2010 01:12 AM
snsdazzled → duomaxwell_hiko
happy birthday!
stay healthy and may god bless you, always. :)
Jul 16 2010 10:23 PM
stay healthy and may god bless you, always. :)
duomaxwell_hiko → -Natsumi-
hahahah!!!! we should wait for the spring and autumn... the "choudo ii" season...
Feb 18 2010 06:16 PM
-Natsumi- → duomaxwell_hiko
haha yes yes! and i hate my house. its realllllyyyyyy cold during the winter. and reaaaaaaaalllllllllly hot during the summer. i live off base thats why. V__V.
Feb 17 2010 03:31 AM
duomaxwell_hiko → -Natsumi-
hihihih... summer is nice!!! i have more fun at summers!!!! amusement parks... beach... but too hot is like hell... i hate when get too hot... but we have air-con to save!!! lolz bye!!! take care!!!
Feb 16 2010 03:38 PM
-Natsumi- → duomaxwell_hiko
yeah! but im starting to hate it! i want summer already! hah
Feb 13 2010 08:07 PM
duomaxwell_hiko → -Natsumi-
whoa... its freaking cold to yokosuka snowing!!! hihihi
Feb 13 2010 08:10 AM
-Natsumi- → duomaxwell_hiko
im doing good!
it snowed in yokosuka like a week ago! really thin, but it stuck to the floor! haha
Feb 10 2010 02:40 PM
it snowed in yokosuka like a week ago! really thin, but it stuck to the floor! haha
duomaxwell_hiko → -Natsumi-
yei!!!! genki dayo~... natsumi wa???
so hot and raining a lot... lol lol... hows going there??? im really missing japan!!! hihihi
Feb 10 2010 04:49 AM
so hot and raining a lot... lol lol... hows going there??? im really missing japan!!! hihihi
-Natsumi- → duomaxwell_hiko
HEY~ genki???
haha thanks for the comment!
hows brazil?
Feb 09 2010 11:34 PM
haha thanks for the comment!
hows brazil?
duomaxwell_hiko → -Natsumi-
just passing to say hello... and say that your new personal photo is so cuuuuuute!!!! this one u put the datemegane!!! cuuute!!!! heheheh
Feb 09 2010 04:45 PM
duomaxwell_hiko → mih_smiley_taengoo
oieeee!!! entao... faz tempo mesmo neh... vc sumiu eeu tbm... saudades heheheh tava bem corrido aki... como todo final de ano fica meio puxado... mas agora tou livre... hehehhe
eu tou genki e vc???!!!
vai viajar pra algum lugar no yasumi??? teh mais se cuida!!!!
Dec 25 2009 09:14 AM
eu tou genki e vc???!!!
vai viajar pra algum lugar no yasumi??? teh mais se cuida!!!!
mih_smiley_taengoo → duomaxwell_hiko
oiee faz mo tempo ne xD
cm vc esta? genki?...tenha um bom fds!!
Dec 17 2009 10:45 PM
cm vc esta? genki?...tenha um bom fds!!