Community Status Updates

snsdazzled → suhaib
you're most welcome. ^_^
I'm from Malaysia too...
yep, keep in touch. :)
I'm from Malaysia too...
yep, keep in touch. :)

tokatoki → suhaib
are you a member at
maybe you should be a member if you r not member yet
we can get info about soshi related especially relating to malaysia xD
maybe you should be a member if you r not member yet
we can get info about soshi related especially relating to malaysia xD

biSCoat → suhaib
So, you`re living in T`ganu now? Or have you moved? Let`s hope that the girl will come to M`sia..It`ll be epic!! Waa..

suhaib → biSCoat
thanx for the add! east coast? where? i lived in trngganu for 2 years and parents r kelantanese.anyway, keep in touch k? especially if snsd ever comes to msia. =)

suhaib → tokatoki
thanx for the add! keep in touch k? especially if snsd ever comes to msia. =)

snsdazzled → suhaib
hey there.
thanks a lot for the add. :)
nice meeting you. ^__^
thanks a lot for the add. :)
nice meeting you. ^__^