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FarahTae → Taengdy
anneyong haseyoo, i made mv cover the boys,, which is so late, but i still like it,. hope you enjoy my video.. :D

I just found out that the new Galaxy Note 10.1 can do this !!

soshinki → Taengdy
emg ada sih, kluarga smua di jkt tp ttp aja ga diijinin, soalnya cewe ._.

sese → Taengdy
No sadly :( dont have any friendz to form a dance team with (well none that what to actually form one).

Taengdy → sese
daebak !!! you're jjang haha.. so do you have a dance team with your friends ??

soshinki → Taengdy
pgnnya sih emg korea ka, tp di bdg ga ada dan ga di blhn kluar kota sama mama. pdahal pgn bgt msk UI klo ngga UGM

sese → Taengdy
Yep time goes by fast, but their dances arent that hard. Just this one lol, and a few others lol.

Taengdy → sese
haha... yeah their dance are always hard and look great.. yep , i know , its so fast..

sese → Taengdy
Did i buy the album no i didnt. And the dance yea pretty much got it down, except fora few precise hand movements which r very hard to get, and which i will probably not perfect for a long time lol.

Heyy did u know we've been friendz/ talking on soshified for more than a year?
Jul 05 2012 05:54 PM

soshinki → Taengdy
kyanya ma inggris, msh rada bingung jg. iya di bdg, blm blh kluar kota sama mama