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Momo Kola → itsmeHense_2893
Just wanted to stop by and say Happy Thanksgiving :)

Sunnyl♥ver → itsmeHense_2893
Btw, I'm a hyohunnie again....
Dec.26--> I became a sunshiner
Feb.26--> I became a hyohunnie
Dec.26--> I became a sunshiner
Feb.26--> I became a hyohunnie

itsmeHense_2893 → Sunnyl♥ver
awww.. I thank you for liking Hyoyeon.. hehe! she's a very good dancer that I really adore

Sunnyl♥ver → itsmeHense_2893
hahaha.. XD
15 days is too short right...
I became addicted to SNSD because of Hyoyeon last Dec. 10, 2010...
but before I became addicted to them, I already love Hyoyeon starting form the time I saw her in Genie, Gee and Oh........
15 days is too short right...
I became addicted to SNSD because of Hyoyeon last Dec. 10, 2010...
but before I became addicted to them, I already love Hyoyeon starting form the time I saw her in Genie, Gee and Oh........

itsmeHense_2893 → Sunnyl♥ver
WHATTT??only lasted for 15 days?DANG! hahaha..but sunny's cute anyway~

Sunnyl♥ver → itsmeHense_2893
Yes I was.. She was my first favorite member which lasted for only 15 days because I saw Sunny cute and kind.. keke ^_^

Sunnyl♥ver → itsmeHense_2893
I was a Hyohyunnie before.. but I became addicted to Sunny last Dec. 26

itsmeHense_2893 → ham2391