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Fanytastic → yoonheartyul
and where in the world is my promise??? you bad girl!!!
Jun 10 2012 10:11 PM
yoonheartyul → Fanytastic
unneyyyy! do you have what's app, kakao, twitter, skype, msn? ^^
Jan 06 2012 05:25 AM
twitter and skype, please? ^^ oh, and thanks for the yoonyuljeti treat! I'm gonna check it now..
Jan 08 2012 03:54 AM
yoonheartyul → Fanytastic
Tina unnie! Thank you so much for your detailed comment. It really did help BIG TIME! It means a lot to me. I appreciate it! ^^
Dec 09 2011 06:52 AM
Oh! I'm gonna take it (chapter 2) down and revise the whole thing. I'm gonna follow through with your suggestions. I couldn't be more thankful, unnie ^^
Dec 09 2011 06:53 AM -
Oh gosh, I didnt know you would go to such extent as rewriting your chapter. But you know what, what I love more than a talented writer is a hard-working writer. And you're both. I know we haven't really known each other for long but... can I say that I'm very proud of you??? It's hard to come across someone that shares the same passion as yours, so I'm glad we had our little chit-chat. You completely made my day. Thank you dongsaeng :)
Dec 11 2011 03:24 PM
Dani!!!!!!!! Im so busy this week that I havent got the time to read your update yet. So sleep deprived right now. But I'll definitely read it on the weekend and give you a proper feedback cuz I think Rangefinder deserves it :) Have a great day btw!
Dec 01 2011 03:56 PM -
uwa...thank you so much, Tina unnie! truth is I've been waiting for your comment...heehee...
No worries! good luck on your lab report.. hwaiting! ^^
Dec 02 2011 06:47 PM
Fanytastic → yoonheartyul
Dani! When will you spare me this long winded wait and update Rangefinder??? Lol no pressure. Just want you to know that I like it a lot :)
Nov 19 2011 10:15 AM
Fanytastic → yoonheartyul
Lol Missy, why are you stalking my profile??? Shouldnt you be updating Rangefinder instead??? :P
Aug 15 2011 05:10 PM