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_shuppylove → kimchimuncher
Hahaha..^^ sorry if you can't understand! LOL.. i think it needs edit? Hahaha! you just answer the question with no connection! just like "because of the gravity of the earth?" things like that..^^

donghae → _shuppylove
I used to like Suju very much but not anymore, i mean i still like suju but not that much as before, now i'm more inlove with shinee xD you don't like dbsk?

kimchimuncher → _shuppylove
lol im a little confused at first. i think i get it lol

_shuppylove → kimchimuncher
just read the thread! Hahaha..^^ I made it myself! coz' that's what we play when we have no trippings! LOL!

kimchimuncher → _shuppylove
whats the connection?? haha never heard of it. i'll go check it out now!!!

_shuppylove → kimchimuncher
Ahahaha~ Oh really? u like it? Hahaha! yeah! i think it's weird too! I have a new created game again! hahaha.. it's "What's the connection?" game! it's fun too!

_shuppylove → kellyyy
waah you have no friends? Hmm.. we're just the same buddy! Hahaha..^^ mind to be your friend? LOL!

kimchimuncher → _shuppylove
yes lol you do see me at the game section! keke yes but ive been doing it nonstop. i'll try to stop lol. oh yeah i love the game you created. the 2 word one!!! so fun and WEIRD.

_shuppylove → kimchimuncher
Hi Pjazzy! Hehehe..^^ i usually see you in the game corner! Hahaha! Game-mate! LOL about what happened! that's okay! Hahaha..^^ people have their mistakes!

_shuppylove → sae yeon
Hi Kat! nice to see you here! hehehe..^^ I'm Freinces! Hahaha..^^ hope to cht with you again someday!

donghae → _shuppylove
Hi :)
i see that you like suju and shinee, i love them too! :D
i see that you like suju and shinee, i love them too! :D

_shuppylove → minjoo
Hi! well.. I know that we're not close.. but i'll say be lated happy birthday to you! hihi..^^ sorry for the late comment! i totally forgot!

_shuppylove → raspberries.
Harlo! even though we're not that close.. I'll still greet you a happy sweet 16th birthday! saenggil chukahaeyo! hope you will have more bdays to come! God bless you more!