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nufe_gotYoonAddicts → devilyoong
hehe i c^^, u know of what!!? u sounds so fishy!LOL
yup!its my turn to agree with u^^
yup!its my turn to agree with u^^

devilyoong → nufe_gotYoonAddicts
i joined as fan support for Yoong. lol i even joined her pairing sites that i know of.. ;D
agreed, they're such underrated pairings..
i wish people could see more of their interactions to be able to 'ship' them eventually. keke
agreed, they're such underrated pairings..
i wish people could see more of their interactions to be able to 'ship' them eventually. keke

nufe_gotYoonAddicts → devilyoong
yeah i can^o^
really!so thats why u join!?haha just in case?!haha
me too!YH is my OTP for non soshi pairing!^^ and of course i ship all yoong pairing!but except for YY i only posted in yoong most unpopular pairing thread^^(yoonsun&yoonfany,plan to yoonhyo),they really need more love...
really!so thats why u join!?haha just in case?!haha
me too!YH is my OTP for non soshi pairing!^^ and of course i ship all yoong pairing!but except for YY i only posted in yoong most unpopular pairing thread^^(yoonsun&yoonfany,plan to yoonhyo),they really need more love...

devilyoong → nufe_gotYoonAddicts
oh yeah, but you can still see Yuri a bit.
haha, pretty much. though i haven't actually logged into some of them since i made the account.
and yes, i'm a pyro. YoonHae is my OTP!~ <333 But i ship all Yoona pairings. ;)
haha, pretty much. though i haven't actually logged into some of them since i made the account.
and yes, i'm a pyro. YoonHae is my OTP!~ <333 But i ship all Yoona pairings. ;)

nufe_gotYoonAddicts → devilyoong
..n looks like u are pyro too? im just join in yoonhaexplosian recently(thanks god its in english!!^^)

nufe_gotYoonAddicts → devilyoong
oh!my comment get cut!.actually it has to be: but it yoona focus so i only need to wait another fancam^^,thanks nina!.
haha i c, no wonder u guys so fast!^^. and going to join (oh yeah!im a proud trooper!LOL). what about u? i'm pretty u sure u register in most of all yoona fansite!keke..
haha i c, no wonder u guys so fast!^^. and going to join (oh yeah!im a proud trooper!LOL). what about u? i'm pretty u sure u register in most of all yoona fansite!keke..

devilyoong → nufe_gotYoonAddicts
right. i was just about to tell you about that YY moment in snowy wish, but i see you already watched it.. keke

devilyoong → nufe_gotYoonAddicts
lol. actually a lot of int'l fans register at diff yoona sites too, like you and me.. that's the way to get first-hand updates! ;p
what other sites are you registered at?
what other sites are you registered at?

nufe_gotYoonAddicts → devilyoong
yup!thanks!, thanks for making me realized that not only me foreigners who register on the korean/chinese fansite!!LOL. I still feel weird when have to login to that site^^...

nufe_gotYoonAddicts → devilyoong
so thats why!^^.
ups!pabo me!i still can't differentiate korean&chinese!
oh!google translate!its lame but its my best friend!!LOL (still not fluent in english, sigh~) and i do the same like u to reg in deerimyoona actually!LOL
yeah nina sounds much better!^^& ah!i already found it!its when they sang snowy wish!but it...
ups!pabo me!i still can't differentiate korean&chinese!
oh!google translate!its lame but its my best friend!!LOL (still not fluent in english, sigh~) and i do the same like u to reg in deerimyoona actually!LOL
yeah nina sounds much better!^^& ah!i already found it!its when they sang snowy wish!but it...

devilyoong → nufe_gotYoonAddicts
oh, that's cause i changed my settings.
i have received your comments, but i would have to approve it first before it can appear on my profile.
i have received your comments, but i would have to approve it first before it can appear on my profile.

devilyoong → nufe_gotYoonAddicts
yoonaya is a chinese fansite.. and yes, you have to be a member to view their site. i just used google translate to help register and voila~ lol
HAHA! sounds odd. call me Nina instead XD
HAHA! sounds odd. call me Nina instead XD

nufe_gotYoonAddicts → devilyoong
err..i tried to post comment here, but nothing show up...

nufe_gotYoonAddicts → devilyoong
ahh..i c ><, all in korean right? and i thought its need membership too?...anyway its ok, i appreciate your answer^^, thanks devilyoong (wow!i said thanks to devil! but of course you're a good devil...err sounds odd!LOL)