Community Status Updates

LoveeeSNSD → moirai
Haha. You disappeared, like so suddenly after that PM you sent me. Too busy with school life? Lol. Don't have to worry, I'm not here to chase after you for the update. LOL

LoveeeSNSD → moirai
Where have you beeeeeeeeeen? Go visit TaengSic's thread and vote! Heehee

I've been stuck trying to figure out where this plot is heading, among other things. I want to start on chapter 16 tonight, since I've just finished writing the outline for it.
Dec 02 2011 07:31 PM

I finally updated chapter 15 of Crossroads of Love! I feel as proud as ever! :D

yellowchick → moirai
hi! i love love love your taengsic collection^^ they're so fluffy and sweet and !!! i hope you write some more! :D have a great day~

Thank you so much for reading! I'll definitely continue to write more when I have time. I hope you have a great day as well :D
Nov 13 2011 01:55 PM

So proud. I updated my TaengSic and JeTi one-shot collection within this week! [:

Yay! You updated, but it's JeTi? ...I like them too. HAHAHA. TaengSic's making a comback, are you making your 'comeback' too? Since I'm such a nice person, you should be nice to me and update CoL. Heheh
Nov 11 2011 09:32 PM -
I'm nowhere close to making a comeback (well, a full one anyways). I'll let you read the outline of chapter 15, but it's nothing special, though, since it's just a little outline lol
Nov 11 2011 10:09 PM -

moirai → LoveeeSNSD
Aha, yeah you're such a nice person (no sarcasm intended). Yeah, I thought I was the only one experiencing difficulties with Soshified, but I guess not. I hope there will be a new (and user friendly) interface when they're done with the site construction.

And our TaengSic are making a comeback! I hope. I mean, there are more interaction between them recently... so yeah. The overflow of TaeNy is hurting both my JeTi and TaengSic hearts T____T
Nov 11 2011 05:47 PM

LoveeeSNSD → moirai
Oh, come on~ I'm such a NICE person. Lol. Soshified is 'weird' lately. Lol. Still 'under construction', I think.

MY TAEYEON IS HOOOOOOT, especially with her blonde hair. Well, the goddess in your Display Pic is gorJESS too. HAHA
Nov 08 2011 11:48 PM

moirai → LoveeeSNSD
Duuuuuuude, did you post on my profile yesterday? LOL OTL. I don't know how to use Soshified anymore... I spent like five whole minutes looking for the comment section and when I found it, I didn't know how it worked '___'

LoveeeSNSD → moirai
Hello, my friend. Lol. I'm here to send you some LOVE. <3. Ok, bye.

LoveeeSNSD → moirai
I think Soshified is really cool. I mean, how do they even get in contact and organise the fan-meeting? LOl. I think you still have a chance to get to be part of the pink ocean, since the girls will most probably be going to USA more often as compared to coming to Singapore. =.=

cgirldiego → moirai
Sorry if my encouragement is annoying for u, kekekeke ^^ I just wnat u to know that your readers still waiting for U ^^ Its OK, Take your time till you have a time to write writer? No~~You just busy, keke..Yeah update your tumblr again,OK.. ^^

moirai → LoveeeSNSD
LUCKY YOU :( We are forever never part of the pink ocean - well, I don't even think SMTown would count, but still... she gets to meet SNSD because of the fan-meet the following day D: Forever bawling in my little, mushroom-filled corner D:

LoveeeSNSD → moirai
Aww, 1% for social life... T.T I'm more of the opposite. LOL. I'm like 50% school work, 20% social life, and 30% SNSD. That is when there's school, when it's holiday, i basically don't talk to anyone and it's all about SNSD. HAHAHA.
My friends are going to the Girls' concert in Singapore. T.T I feel like killing them for not asking me if i wanted the tickets.
My friends are going to the Girls' concert in Singapore. T.T I feel like killing them for not asking me if i wanted the tickets.