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TYjSweet Taeng

haha.. everyday is :D
wa.. u must been busy huh? :]
er.. ya.. quite d blur T.T
ya.. with buddies n they wanted 2 try soju.. so d rest is blurrryy >.<
ya.. but definitely a happy blur :D
wa.. thts good :]
so did u travel? :]
Jan 10 2011 02:27 AM

XenSweet Taeng

welcome, haha
taengoo jjang !!!!!!!
Jan 10 2011 01:31 AM

Sweet TaengCrayeons

yep it's so bright...
and the plain white color are making my eye really blinded...
but i love the pink color~
Jan 10 2011 01:27 AM

Sweet Taengxsmiley

kyaa~ *hug*
why did you not celebrate any?
mine are exhausting but it's fun~
did you attend to the LA Fan Meetup?
looks so fun...
Jan 10 2011 01:25 AM

Sweet TaengTYj

everyday is happy day~
your christmas are blur?
you must be drink too much~
hahaha happy blur xD
my holidays are tiring but it's meaningful and fun~
Jan 10 2011 01:23 AM

Sweet TaengSnowyDay

Fany eyesmiles are the best~ no word could express how beautiful her eyesmiles are~ Fany eyesmiles FTW!
i love fanfiction but i'm very busy these days and i don't have time for read any...
so sad.. TT~TT
how about you?
Jan 10 2011 01:17 AM

Sweet TaengSnowyDay

ah my message are being cutted in the middle AGAIN..
whoa new class? that's cool~ you can find another friends~ go go find as many friend as posible~
they could be your fans someday...
Jan 10 2011 01:17 AM

Sweet TaengSnowyDay

ah~ then you're my dongsaeng~
kekeke~ xD
Fany Fany dongsaeng~ =p
of course it's cool, it's amazing!!
my christmas and new year eve are hectic but it's fun~
whoa TaeSun~ Danshin duo are totally my favorite~ they have killer aegyo~ and they're sooo cuuteeee~
Jan 10 2011 01:12 AM

Sweet Taengreiluvsoshi

Rei~ sorry for my super late reply...
Wish u a beautiful new year~ 2011 are Girls' Generation~
how is your holiday?
any interesting stories?
i'm fine thanks~ my holiday are amazing!
i have so many activities, it's tiring but i feel so happy~
how about you?
and yeah SSF new layout are so bright
Jan 10 2011 01:06 AM

Sweet TaengXen

hello Xen...
nice to meet you~
many thanks for adding me as your friend~
Taeganger jjang!!
Jan 10 2011 01:03 AM

Sweet TaengLEE Y D

thanks for visiting my profile~
wow your avatar are totally amazing~
Jan 10 2011 01:02 AM

Sweet TaengEliseDomo

hello there...
thanks for visiting my profille...
and many thanks for adding me as your friend...
nice to meet you~
everyday SNSD day~
Jan 10 2011 01:01 AM

Sweet Taengsnsd_forever_

hello there~
whoa~ YongSeo couple jjang!!
thanks for visiting my profile and add me as you friend..
nice to meet you~
Jan 10 2011 01:00 AM

CrayeonsSweet Taeng

Oh..That's ok..^^
Thanks for the greetings..:3
Ohh..The new ssf layout..xD
I like it,but too bright..:P
But they said it's not yet final though..xD
Jan 06 2011 03:49 AM

xsmileySweet Taeng

it's okaaaaay! :D
hehe sameee to you!
never to late for happy new year! :D
dont celebrate T_T
so how was yours? (:
Jan 05 2011 02:36 PM