Community Status Updates

jbenvenga → shorttiieexp
lol not big, but we are having a decent meetup on the 31st.

jbenvenga → rainca
hahaha of course! i guess we have similar loves or something

mitchybits → jbenvenga
lol come on more~ i'm trying to go on the sbox more ... "trying" hahahha

jbenvenga → mitchybits
yay we're still friends hahaha~ and it was good talking to you the other day!

jbenvenga → startoonhero
good session! i really enjoyed it, and i was very very very impressed at how you read my name correctly the first time.
good luck brahhh
good luck brahhh

jbenvenga → mitchybits
remember when we used to be friends on ultimate adora? :DDDD I MISS TALKING TO YOU~~