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angelgotwings → RyaLovesDominic
you're dimples' sister?.. wow that's great!!.. hello.. keke^^

Osmond Richard → RyaLovesDominic
Maybe a little I don't feel like he's good enough for our maknae SeoHyun haha

RyaLovesDominic → Osmond Richard
lol. yeah. i know. thanks. i'm loving the wgm cuz its seohyun, lol. do you like the yong-seo couple?

qwertyuiopes → RyaLovesDominic
yea. ;P all of them were pretty but she's the prettiest. :P pwahaha

RyaLovesDominic → Osmond Richard
yay! you got them.. i think my mom won't be able to let me buy those. she's gonna bring me to suju concert here yayy!

qwertyuiopes → RyaLovesDominic
yea pinoy sones hwaiting! xD hahaha. coool. friends are awesome. haha. oh yezzzz. Tiff is so pretty. very pretty. :))

RyaLovesDominic → qwertyuiopes
heyy, she told me that you're pinoy and i should add you. tiffany's my #1 fave. XD. take care too.. xP

qwertyuiopes → RyaLovesDominic
oh really? that was cool. what does your sister saying about me? hahha. :) Yeap, Tiff is my most favorite soshi member. :) and yea, you too? Nice. :PP anyway, take care. :P

RyaLovesDominic → qwertyuiopes
Haii, my sis told me about you. xP. she's dimples9. you're pinoy? yayy. you like tiffany too! :DD.