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I'm a FanSoShiFan7

Okay...I'll tried not to stressed about it..=.=...Wow...you have a puppy...It must be soo cute...I wish I Have one..=.=...Eventhough I have cats now...haha...=.=
Mar 28 2011 03:51 PM

SoShiFan7I'm a Fan

Hey, sorry for the late reply!
I got a new puppy!!!That's why I haven't been on lately.
Yeah, chosing your future can be a doozy :P
Just don't stress too much about it, a lot of people are having trouble too (including me!) :D
Mar 28 2011 03:08 PM

I'm a FanSoShiFan7

Cool...I'm quiet stressful about choosing my path for the future...haha..I'm confuse what should I be doing...=.=..
Where do you planning to go during your break?
Mar 24 2011 11:31 PM

SoShiFan7I'm a Fan

I've been pretty good. I only have one more day of school left until my spring break. Once I get my math test done first period I'll be stress free (:
How have you been?
Mar 24 2011 04:47 PM

I'm a FanSoShiFan7

Cool !! I can't wait to see it..><
HOw are you lately?
Mar 24 2011 03:51 PM

SoShiFan7I'm a Fan

hehe Good! I'm glad to help (:
I have my next concert in May
Mar 24 2011 03:09 PM

I'm a FanSoShiFan7

Thanks for the advice...^.^...
I will keep trying...hehe...When is your next Coir?
Mar 23 2011 06:05 PM

SoShiFan7I'm a Fan

Hehe, Thank you!
Yeah, if you make mistakes just ignore it and keep going :D I've learned that through quite a few mistakes I've made :P
Mar 23 2011 05:21 PM

I'm a FanSoShiFan7

Yay!...Good for you!..I hope you selected to be the captain..Then,you must be in the front line everytime right..><...I like to dance too but I have a very bad sense of learning...=.=
Mar 23 2011 04:42 PM

SoShiFan7I'm a Fan

Ouch! Be careful! haha
Yesterday actually wasn't bad. I finished all my homework and was able to memorize the whole dance (:
Today we have auditions for dance captain. My teacher reccomended me to do it so I'm trying out today! I'm so nervous, but I love dancing and I get really into it so that's good (:
Mar 23 2011 12:23 PM

I'm a FanSoShiFan7

Wow..I think you also don't stressed out too much..><..I'm sure it will all goes well and
fine..I'm sure really good at dancing..=.=...I tried to dance but I injured leg instead...haha...no talent...=.=
Mar 23 2011 02:22 AM

SoShiFan7I'm a Fan

Haha will do!
Don't stress too much about them, I'm sure you did fine. (:
I, on the other hand, have to get ready for a 3 hour choir pracitce to learn new choreo >.< The practice happens to be on the day I have a ton of homework. I think my teachers planned this to make me stressed the week before break :P
Mar 22 2011 02:26 PM

I'm a FanSoShiFan7

Okay...Ltt me borrow them for a while...=.=...
Aigo! My test result gonna came out tomorrow...><...WHat should I do...-.-
Mar 21 2011 04:48 PM

SoShiFan7I'm a Fan

Hahahah yeah a lot of people in the US play it here aswell. I've only played once and I just kinda hid the entire time haha
I'll trade you friends cause mine always want to go :P
Mar 21 2011 02:08 PM

I'm a FanSoShiFan7

Ohe YEah!Thats It!Paintball...=.=...Thats what it called...I guess other countries played this game too...><...I wanted to tried it but none of my friend interested...=.=
Mar 20 2011 11:11 PM