Community Status Updates

Seo~May8 → omgupwnz
oh, my birthday was fun..we went to the beach..and it it means a lot of blessing to come for me =)

hey..thank you for greeting me =)
and belated happy birthday to you ^^
and belated happy birthday to you ^^

Seo~May8 → ♥Tako(유)ki
hi there ^^ thanks for adding me as friend..and welcome to soshified ^^

Seo~May8 → cedge
hello there Mr./Ms. cedge ..i sent my test 1 answers about a week ago.. i just want to ask if i will still get a reply even if i failed the test??..thank you so much

Seo~May8 → mingying
thanks for your
i didn't edit it that just looks like th original thanks anyway, seriously =)
i didn't edit it that just looks like th original thanks anyway, seriously =)

mingying → Seo~May8
I love your manip for your siggy.It's really real.^^ Love it!<3