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-E-M-O-G- → Ketchup.
Owh..... okay that info really help me ^^ thanks lin I got a little bit inspiration now :D

Ketchup. → -E-M-O-G-
Nope. Hahaha, I usually go search and use an already made layout, then I put it on the forum and tweaks the design a bit, like changing the headers, buttons, etc. But I dont have any idea on how to do CSS layouts haha :DD

-E-M-O-G- → Spazmatik
Spaz... (I confuse to call you, sorry) can you design layout for forum? the basic one? please help me >.<

-E-M-O-G- → Soy
Soy.... can you design layout for forum? the basic one? please help me >.<

-E-M-O-G- → tiffany-noona
Noona, do you know how to make some layout for forum?

-E-M-O-G- → D-iCE
Gee... do you know how to design forum layout? give me some buzz okay ^^

-E-M-O-G- → francie
Hmmm...franc.... sorry I just wanna ask, can I use my old clip? since If I record again the result will be the same

-E-M-O-G- → rezakazzam
Weiii....thanks udah liat page gua :D salam SONE Indonesia :D

-E-M-O-G- → francie
hey franc.... when the group debut? I really curios with the result ^^