Community Status Updates

Watermelon! → candy_pop
Sorry I couldn't thank you earlier for the bday wishes :/
Well anyways thank you and have a good new year~
Well anyways thank you and have a good new year~

Watermelon! → candy_pop
Thanks for the bday wishes! Sorry I couldn't thank you earlier D:
Well I hope you have a great new years~
Well I hope you have a great new years~

Watermelon! → Boboy321
Happy New Years~
And Thanks for the Bday wishes~ I know this is late... D:
And Thanks for the Bday wishes~ I know this is late... D:

Watermelon! → omgupwnz
Thanks for the Bday wishes I know this is late but Thanks! :]
Happy New Years~
Happy New Years~

Boboy321 → Watermelon!
Happy birthday!
May this day always be a special one to remember ^^
May this day always be a special one to remember ^^

Watermelon! → Sieka
I couldn't pm you, i dont know if you are still reading it but here is the link! I have finally updated :]

Watermelon! → Hwa''
I have finally updated! I hope you haven't forgotten about my fic! :]
Thanks for reading! I still cant pm u >.<
Thanks for reading! I still cant pm u >.<

ivink → Watermelon!
Soo sorry for the long hiatus, but now, I'm back, alive LOL!
I just ended my study week and exam week, and going to start my holiday^^
So hows life so far?? I'm sure our 9 angels doing good dont they?? update me please :DD
Soo sorry for the long hiatus, but now, I'm back, alive LOL!
I just ended my study week and exam week, and going to start my holiday^^
So hows life so far?? I'm sure our 9 angels doing good dont they?? update me please :DD

Watermelon! → toropeas
Internet fart? xD dont worry about it
Lol i shall read it now :]
Ty for the heads up i havent been able to read new ones lately >.<
Lol i shall read it now :]
Ty for the heads up i havent been able to read new ones lately >.<

toropeas → Watermelon!
okay, i don't know what happens, lols, my comment turned into dots, just delete it. hehe. sorry about that.
(it seems school is depressing? i know how you feel, HWAITING!)
(it seems school is depressing? i know how you feel, HWAITING!)

toropeas → Watermelon!
no problem, i just really love your story, so much.!
i'll keep that (semi)promise.=D
btw. i'm starting to write some stories now, i've posted one, but it's a drabble? that's how they call it, lols, please read it if you have time, i really want to know your opinion, ^^. *it's TAENY.
i'll keep that (semi)promise.=D
btw. i'm starting to write some stories now, i've posted one, but it's a drabble? that's how they call it, lols, please read it if you have time, i really want to know your opinion, ^^. *it's TAENY.

Watermelon! → toropeas
Taeny always makes my day :D
Wow, being someone's fav fic means a lot so i thankies a billion of times <3333
Don't worry i will not put it on hiatus! I can (semi) promise that! It is a work in slow progress xD
Wow, being someone's fav fic means a lot so i thankies a billion of times <3333
Don't worry i will not put it on hiatus! I can (semi) promise that! It is a work in slow progress xD

Watermelon! → angelgotwings
There are better fish in the sea? xD The person is just lame >:O
Lol dont worry about forcing me :O I push myself to write :P
And it always good to have a push?
I will go hunt the person down and shoot him with an arrow bc the person is causing trouble~ xD (How lame can i be? D:)
Lol dont worry about forcing me :O I push myself to write :P
And it always good to have a push?
I will go hunt the person down and shoot him with an arrow bc the person is causing trouble~ xD (How lame can i be? D:)