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bpquack → WobBLeR
Just thought I'd stop by and say I love your siggy. It's adorable! :)

WobBLeR → tha penguin
Duuuude! Your avatar!! Hilarious!!! Awesome stuff, Yo~ I can't stop laughing.

WobBLeR → youdontknowm
Hey there! I hope you're still around! I tried to contact our old SunShiner gang here on ssf, for some reason I can't send PMs to you. :( Hope you're doing great! Take care. :)

ok! i'll find it first if i save it? haha i'll p you when i find the pic :)
May 28 2012 03:21 AM -

WobBLeR → atekkk
Please do not copy and paste older posts. This profile will be reported to the Moderators for spamming.

WobBLeR → tonsmile
Please do NOT copy and paste old posts.Your profile has been reported to Moderators for spamming.

WobBLeR → firdaussyafiq
Sharing information is most welcome, but that is no excuse for multiple posting like you did in the profile threads. You have been reported for spamming.