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SNSD Hwaiting!~prataz

I had never felt so happy in my life to be a Sone~
Sep 23 2009 05:43 PM

pratazSNSD Hwaiting!~

That I agree with 2 thumbs up. She's like WOW! I love her serious little look
Sep 23 2009 05:40 PM

SNSD Hwaiting!~prataz

all that matters to me is that she looks stunning.period.
Sep 23 2009 05:36 PM

pratazSNSD Hwaiting!~

SeoHyun is stunning in that picture, but it's abit posed. Else how can they capture her in that expression
(I shoot professionally for Press and Media)
Sep 23 2009 05:35 PM

SNSD Hwaiting!~prataz

you can check on soompi, off. SNSd thread, or go on the pic thread in SSF. i know, its stunning isn't it?
Sep 23 2009 05:23 PM

pratazSNSD Hwaiting!~

Omg since when did SeoHyun pose with a Canon 1D series with that big monster birding lens?
Sep 23 2009 05:22 PM

SNSD Hwaiting!~forever_sone

lol, you can learn when you're in music (depending on the province you live in tho..) Where are you from?
Sep 18 2009 07:45 PM

forever_soneSNSD Hwaiting!~

YIPPEE another Canadian and btw it's cool that you play the alto sax i want to learn to play
Aug 24 2009 05:36 PM

Yoon-A-FiedSNSD Hwaiting!~

haha thank you~ aww why you dont like tragedy?? TT.TT
Aug 19 2009 08:46 AM

SNSD Hwaiting!~Yoon-A-Fied

Lol, it was a pretty nice read~ you really set the atmosphere really well~ i actually thought you were a veteran or something, because your fic had a really smooth flow to it. Looking forward to your next fic.;D as long theres a happy ending~
Aug 19 2009 05:30 AM

Yoon-A-FiedSNSD Hwaiting!~

Haha thank you for reading! was it alrite?! it was my first time writing so...? how was it? O_O
Aug 17 2009 11:25 AM

ATKSNSD Hwaiting!~

HAHA YEAH THATS IT!, i wanna go Live there with them lol...ok, i spammed ur comments, ill slow down lol
Jan 27 2009 12:23 PM