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DinoYul → Kpop808Watcher
Hey, Mike~ Don't worry about the project, take your time. :) Your other priorities are more important. Thanks so much! :)
Feb 08 2010 05:25 AM
Kpop808Watcher → DinoYul
Thanks for the comment, its been rough! Please check the forum for new artworks. i am in the process of sketching up some of the new winning and losing poses.
Jan 22 2010 06:21 PM
DinoYul → Kpop808Watcher
Thanks for working so hard on the illustrations Mike! :)
Jan 22 2010 02:27 AM
Hi Rosemariae,
Thanks you for the nice comment!
Maybe have a chance to work on a project?
Nov 17 2009 01:37 PM
Thanks you for the nice comment!
Maybe have a chance to work on a project?
I am kinda at the lost myself, not sure how I can help out.
I been checking the hideout and seems like all the post are closed?
I need guidance with all this posting and threading related issues. I am fairly new to this kind of stuff.
Nov 06 2009 11:16 AM
I am kinda at the lost myself, not sure how I can help out.
I been checking the hideout and seems like all the post are closed?
I need guidance with all this posting and threading related issues. I am fairly new to this kind of stuff.
KyopoCanuck → Kpop808Watcher
No one ever tells me anything ~_~" Belated welcome new GD :D
Nov 06 2009 11:04 AM
Thank you for the positive comment.
Let me know what I can help out with. :)
Nov 04 2009 11:34 PM
Let me know what I can help out with. :)
M__ → Kpop808Watcher
welcome to the team! i can't wait to work with you, you have a amazing portfolio!
Nov 04 2009 07:03 PM