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I l0v3 SNSD090909

My school started on 08/26...I want to stay at home...ahhhh...I'm taking a science test tomorrow but I don't really care ^^ --> the answer just naturally comes up in mind when I need it. So wish me luck lol!
What subjects are you good at? ^^
Sep 14 2009 08:09 PM

I l0v3 SNSD090909

I don't know if Genie albums are sold in stores or not ^^
But I guess not.T_T
But many people buy their own genie albums online =) and that's a good thing ^^
So what's up =)
Sep 13 2009 12:44 PM

I l0v3 SNSDBeBeAyumi

Of course everyone likes to chat with you ^^..oh I like dark colors too ^^
Me neither.. I don't like to chat on sb
so many ppl on there ---> so confusing....
Sep 12 2009 02:39 PM

BeBeAyumiI l0v3 SNSD

lol, i just like grey i guess :D it gaves me this kind of good atmosphere!! so.. i like to chat at 9PM and so on, but the white just... well, blends me O.o and im still a noob in the sbox, or people just dont like to chat with me... for real, i dont even want to...
Sep 12 2009 03:28 AM

I l0v3 SNSD090909

Yes they do ^^
They sell them on the internet ^^
It's hot in here too T_T over 85 degrees --> goodness T_T...--> want to go to Alaska =)
Well, I wish you all the best wishes for your new year of school ^^ Hope you enjoy ^^
Sep 11 2009 08:36 PM

090909I l0v3 SNSD

School started for me yesterday,lol.
I had to change my classes because i only had four when im suppose to have six. Its so hot here!! Do they sell snsd albums in vietnam?
Sep 11 2009 04:53 PM

I l0v3 SNSDBeBeAyumi

Lol!! ^^ I spend most of the time browsing on affxtion forum ^^ They have more news than ssf ^^ I guess that' why =)
Sep 11 2009 02:57 PM

BeBeAyumiI l0v3 SNSD

fine fine XD
i just leaved ssf for fx AHAHA i could not believe that xD
Sep 11 2009 10:42 AM

I l0v3 SNSDBeBeAyumi

Hi kawaiiyou ^^ it's me, heartbreak3r from affxtion ^^ so how you doing? ^^
Sep 10 2009 07:11 PM

I l0v3 SNSD090909

Yeah you spelled correctly ^^...awwwww..that's sad...When will your school start?
Sep 09 2009 10:51 PM

090909I l0v3 SNSD

Lol. Im buddhist though ^^
Is that how you spell buddhist? Is it one d or two? Hmmm...anyways. Thanks for the wish (=
Once school starts,I don't think I can go on my laptop or ssf -.-
Cause my mom probably won't let me,cause i have to focus and school and crap -.-
Sep 09 2009 07:58 PM

I l0v3 SNSD090909

Hey, you can go to his church on every Sunday and maybe you can get his signature....if you're a catholic ;)... I wish it's Saturday now....I want to watch Star King!! 3 more days T_T. I wish you're doing well in school ^^ ....These days I'm so lazy...just lying down and watching youtube or surfing on internet...so bored..
Sep 09 2009 06:55 PM

090909I l0v3 SNSD

Lol,I don't know where he lives but I know where his church is ^^
Yeah,Im bored too.
And school is tomorrow T____T
Im just on ssf waiting for any members to come on.....but none has come yet! -.-
Sep 09 2009 03:18 PM

I l0v3 SNSD

Oh..and how's your school? Doing good? ^^
Sep 09 2009 03:15 PM