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Channy → dan2xnicamae
Ohh i hate people calling me Oppa -.-! Joke! It feels great when people call you Oppa cos no1 has called me Oppa lol! Everyone older than me :(. But ur not haha! and ill call you Nee. Another way i think ^^ Nee! :)

dan2xnicamae → Channy
Yes.. Oppa. but Ya sounds like your yelling at me.. lolx!.xD but.. it's okay..^^ It's cool..! and is it okay too if I call u oppa?

Channy → dan2xnicamae
Haha! Thought yours was Maknae! Lol looking around on ya profile xD. Andd yupp mines the Tae yeon ya! Ya, is it ok if i call you Ya ^^

dan2xnicamae → Channy
YA! Oppa. my fave member is.. Seohyun..^^.. and I suspect, u'res is Taeyeon right? ^^

Channy → ★ loansturrJJANG
yourrr namee :(. but ahh well i dont mind it! xD and hiii

Channy → dan2xnicamae
Yes you twoo :). Anyways which SNSD member do you like then ya (another way of younger people 'ya') lool!

Channy → dan2xnicamae
Wahhh! xDD <3
Even though your not much younger than me! Your still my Dong sang (someone younger in korean) haha! I feel good someone called me Oppa! Haha!
Even though your not much younger than me! Your still my Dong sang (someone younger in korean) haha! I feel good someone called me Oppa! Haha!

dan2xnicamae → Channy
Wow! Thanks! ^^ YAY! I just gained an Oppa!. ^_^ & yeah korean people adore that word so much. lolx! it's cute. I think i'm gonna call u oppa~

Channy → dan2xnicamae
Awww your birthday was one month and abit lol! Happy late birthday! Oppa <3 lool. Many Korean boy adore that word xD. Yesh of course we can be friends ^^

dan2xnicamae → Channy
Oh. YAY! I just made a new friend? but still u are a year older than I am. haha! u are my oppa..^^ lolx! do you think we could be friends?

Channy → dan2xnicamae
heyyyy :). 15 years! I had to say that xD. So hard to find a same age person to talk to! haha :)