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sorry for posting what i want to say... it is because you cannot receive any of my messages.. hehe.. Thanks again... please reply!
Sep 01 2010 09:40 PM


I just want to talk to you..
because I want to be a part of the SoShi staff....
and be like you.. a SoShi Security...
How can I become like you??
by the way... Thanks for your topics...
Sep 01 2010 09:39 PM


D: So little BoShi moments in the SMTown concert :( I am keeping fingers crossed: LA and Shanghai concerts must not disappoint! >___<"
Aug 22 2010 11:19 PM

GorJessgrandma deer

And did you notice where his hands where? omg >< taking advantage of his noona tsk tsk..
Aug 22 2010 08:01 PM

grandma deerGorJess

omg that pic >< *covers* I was looking at the pic and then holyyy crap is that her b...aiggooo XD
Aug 22 2010 02:50 AM


No problem haha and I know what you mean! I've been waiting for BoShi moments for so long haha I can't wait for the other SmTown concerts ><
Aug 21 2010 11:18 PM

GorJessgrandma deer

Yeah same here! there was one other fancam where Tiffany helped clean BoA's face after she got caked hahaha and omg that minho and BoA pic where he was carrying her..
Aug 21 2010 11:12 PM


Thank you Bynnie! :D
ACKKKK SNSD AND BoA SINGING NO.1 WITH BoA'S ARM AROUND SUNNYYYY~ <3333 BoShi pairing is always the best~ <3 I've been waiting for BoShi moments on SMTown concerts <3333 :D Thank youuuu awesome birthday present!
Aug 21 2010 07:01 PM

grandma deerGorJess

ZOMG I SAW THAT TOO. LOOK AT HOW BIG FANYS SMILE WAS WHEN BOA DID THAT THING TO HER HEAD XD and No.1 is such an appropriate song~I've been trying to look for more BoShi moments but jgkhdfjkgh theres so little. TOO MANY MINHOxBOA MOMENTS! I need my BoShi =(
Aug 21 2010 02:36 PM


ahhhhhh kreeeeee! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERI5i5aPHZ4 >< And Happy Belated T_T
Aug 21 2010 01:17 PM

GorJessgrandma deer

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERI5i5aPHZ4 omg karen ><
Aug 21 2010 01:16 PM


Hello "GorJess" ^_^
How are you? :)
Aug 17 2010 11:54 PM

GorJessgrandma deer

Oh gosh jjang indeed! I love how her dancer were throwing her in the air like it was nothing and her screaming was adorable hahaha ><
Aug 17 2010 01:33 PM

grandma deerGorJess

LOLL you know I repeated that part so many times when I was watching it! weird but it reminds me of her screams during the MuBank win! that was so jjang XD
Aug 16 2010 02:06 AM

GorJessgrandma deer

http://megaswf.com/serve/36566/ hahaha! and I want to know what she was saying about SNSD ><
Aug 16 2010 12:26 AM