Community Status Updates

mattguitarist → Christie-24
Hey there, I can't seem to be able to PM you but just to let you know, there's a new chapter up for my fanfic. The link's below. Hope everything's ok.
[url=""]Soshi's Pairings Part Two: The Vacation Chapter 4[/url]
[url=""]Soshi's Pairings Part Two: The Vacation Chapter 4[/url]

mattguitarist → ChinkyEyes
Hey, thanks for letting me know - I've removed you from the PM list!
I hope you manage to find more time for Soshified :)
I hope you manage to find more time for Soshified :)

shazy → mattguitarist
Hello,I'm a new reader from your fanfic:) Hope u update your Fanfic soon :)

ChinkyEyes → mattguitarist
Due to my inactivity lately on Soshified, is it okay if you remove me from your PM List? I rather be removed than a silent reader in the future. :P
Thank you. :)
Thank you. :)

mattguitarist → Daniel
Hey, what up?
Seems like you've been busy too? Man, Soshi have been busy with LA Town concert and now are in Japan - I miss them on Korean variety shows though...
Take care of yourself
Seems like you've been busy too? Man, Soshi have been busy with LA Town concert and now are in Japan - I miss them on Korean variety shows though...
Take care of yourself

Daniel → mattguitarist
Hi Matt. Honestly I have been pretty busy and missing things on SNSD too, lol. How are you doing?

mattguitarist → Daniel
Hey Dani, it's been way too long my fellow YulSic shipper... how's it going? How much have I missed? EZ~

Daniel → mattguitarist
haha thanks Matt =) Seems like you have a busy life though. It's still nice to talk to you lol You can call me Dani (:

mattguitarist → Daniel
Hey, I don't remember if I replied or not... (having one of those brain fart days... :S) but of course you are most welcome to ask if you want anything translated :)

Daniel → mattguitarist
lol yeah it does haha (: That's really cool (: I wonder if I could come to you and ask for some translations if there's something I don't understand. Yulsic stuff of course :P

mattguitarist → Daniel
Hey Daniel, I speak Korean, English and Japanese but I'm a bit shaky with Japanese 'cos I haven't spoken it in a long time... :S Does that answer your ques? :)

Daniel → mattguitarist
hi matt ;D I remembered you translated things a few times^^ I'm wondering if you know Korean (:

mattguitarist → Soy
Just wanted to say, that I also think that I am bipolar...
I wasn't stalking! I swear! :P
I wasn't stalking! I swear! :P

mattguitarist → benchgurl
Soshi's Pairings Part One: Special Chapter is up and there's a note about a potential sequel... Hehehe
Please enjoy!
PS Sorry this is late, your inbox was full and wouldn't let me send it to you... and the fanfic has been moved to the Completed section!
Please enjoy!
PS Sorry this is late, your inbox was full and wouldn't let me send it to you... and the fanfic has been moved to the Completed section!