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생일축하합니다 (saengil chukha hamnida) Kwon Yu-ri (권유리) Yul, Kkab-Yul (hyper/playful Yul), Kwon Seobang (Husband Kwon), Kwon Banjang (Class-President Kwon), BK Yuri Black Pearl YURI (흑진주 유리 – heukjinjoo Yuri)

Great now Jessica and Taeyeon being mentioned again and i Hope they are okay.. Himnae Stay strong till the end of year TAT for soshi

AkumaNoMi → Kaizer Siefr
Thx for visiting my profile.. I hope we can be friend and talk a lot more with u :).. See u around ^^

PV DIVINE make me want to cry so much the last PV when being 9 :'( the song and the custom is good but WHY must THIS HAPPEN with them TAT

AkumaNoMi → SONEno.9
Thx for visiting my profile ^^ .. I hope we can be friend and talk a lot more with u :).. Feel free to Pm or message me see u around soon

I'm so sorry that I only seen this now! I hope we can be friends too:)
Mar 15 2015 12:59 PM

AkumaNoMi → Stepphanie
Thx for visiting my profile.. I hope we can be friend and talk a lot more with u ^^.. Feel free to message or PM me to discuss anything :).. See u around soon

Thank you too~ but you're welcome :)
Oct 09 2014 07:55 AM

AkumaNoMi → Jae-sung
I hope so seriously get end this year quickly with no bad news

Now serioously cannot make anything my mind done with all.. Fansigning get worse news get worse

Great this year is great so many news and Now Jessica. @.@. Oh c' monw why must this happen :'(.. So hard to end this year to get through TAT

Let's hope that the few time left for 2014 will be okay.... Such a bad year
Sep 30 2014 06:49 AM

AkumaNoMi → wlqrichard
Hi thx for visiting my profile, i Hope we can be friend and talk a lot more with u :).. Feel free to Pm or chat with me thx ^^

생일축하합니다 (saengil chukha hamnida) Hyoraengi (pun: tiger), Kim-choding (elementary school-kid Kim), Kim Yeolsal(10-year-old Kim), Fiona

AkumaNoMi → YulOppa
Hello ^^ Thx for visiting my profile.. I hope we can be friend and talk a lot more with u :).. See u around feel free to Pm .. Btw Same citizen >.<,