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yeap.. Suju & Dbsk did come to mlysia before.. me chinese? 0,0" I'm actually malay... My great2 grandmother was chinese.. =]
Nov 17 2009 12:54 AM


Suju did went to m'sia before rite for the MTV asia awards?
I guess I can only wait and hope for SNSD to come to SG T_T
Are you chinese?
Nov 16 2009 04:00 PM


LOL! Same here! x)
they always sings WG nobody2 but u.. I was blurr when I heard them sing it.. It was s0oo last year.. =.= some of them like suju but I think they only like suju bcause some of them are g0od l0oking.. 0.0"
Nov 16 2009 04:05 AM


LOl! x) I'm n0t sure which 1 of my new friends in ms is u.. x)
can u send comment? its easy 2 kn0w which one of them is u~ =D
Nov 16 2009 03:54 AM


haha, well ur face looks a bit chinese and how the way u wear ur clothes. haha. bt of course there's a bit of malay sumwhere. oh u approved me :) bt im nt sure if u realise who i was. haha
Nov 14 2009 08:20 PM


I thought it would be cool to have MY own JeTi fancam lol.
K-pop is not that big in SG. People here are still stuck with WG Nobody song which was so last year.
Enjoy your weekend =)
Nov 12 2009 04:00 PM


LOL! what made u think that I'm chinese? x) 0h! ur mum was lucky.. =) Sure~ juz add me & I'll surely approve u! <3 (^-^)v
Nov 12 2009 03:03 AM


ur 0wn fancam? 0,0" neat!! xD
yeah.. I was heartbr0ken that they dint c0me to mlysia+singpore.. TT,TT
Nov 12 2009 03:01 AM


haha i didnt know! i tot u were chinese. heh. my bad. sorry ==" well, we're kinda in the same boat. im half chinese cuz of my mom. bt she was adopted by malay since she was a lil girl though. oh u can speak mandarin? cool. i can't >< oh, do u mind if i add u in ur myspace?
Nov 11 2009 10:53 PM


Yeah. I want to watch them live too and have my own fancam of JeTi XD
They are having a solo concert at the end of the year but only going to Thailand and China T_T
Nov 11 2009 04:06 PM


yeah.. let's h0pe 4 the best~ =) I was a bit sad that snsd dint perform a concert in malaysia or singapore.. TT,TT I really2 want to watch them live.. + see Jeti in action also.. xD
Nov 11 2009 05:05 AM


LOL! xD yeap sjrah need 2 make essay.. x)
0h! 0,0" I thought u knew.. I'm malay but my great2 grandmother was chinese.. I was a bit sad that people think I'm chinese by l0oking at my face & they began 2 talk mandarin with me.. Thx g0d my father send me 2 chinese sch0ol when I was y0ung.. x) If I want 2 talk back bout my parents I juz talk with my siblings in mandarin +
Nov 11 2009 05:02 AM


yeah, i heard form4 and 5 r super hard. i was lyk 'oh, sejarah need to make essay ka?' hahah sumtyms i feel lyk 'im not ready yet!'. hehe. oh, i nvr got d chance to ask u. r u chinese or malay?
Nov 10 2009 03:50 AM


yeap! snsd definitely win smthing.. 8D
oh me? I juz rmemberd I get BM+BI+Sjrah=A Pn.Islam+Geo+Bc=B the rest is C.. its pretty bad.. I dint really study.. But f0rm3 if u dint really study much u can score A but in f0rm4 & 5 its hard 2 sc0re A's.. all the questions in subjective+Essei!~ It gives u headache.. X.x
Nov 09 2009 09:21 PM


Yup Gee didn't win on Mnet as far as I can remember. Don't worry they will definitely win the golden disk award :)
Nov 08 2009 03:30 PM