Community Status Updates

Miwa_Chan → Shichoo
"lamest dj" pshhhh you get major points for being the only male dj! hehehe♥

Shichoo → Miwa_Chan
it's thanks to amajjing jasonsshi~~ but harmony is more awesome than me though~

Young Buck → Miwa_Chan
Of course, i'm skilled like that you know. :D by the way we got a full team for the 1st episode of wgm. :)

Miwa_Chan → Young Buck
i knew you'd catch me D:
haha i was looking through your topics for a certain vid ^^
haha i was looking through your topics for a certain vid ^^

Miwa_Chan → Riin
ezieeee woot its your bday!
happy bday! :DD
eat lots of lobster and down it with milk keke~
hope you have many more ^^
happy bday! :DD
eat lots of lobster and down it with milk keke~
hope you have many more ^^