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SoNyuhShi Daelover → YuriFied
HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! As your birthday is here so is one of our beloved Djs DJ Cesca so let us all rejoice in Celebration for both of your birthday So Happy Birthday and may all your dreams come true ^_^

snsdazzled → YuriFied
hope you have the best birthday ever! :)
hope you have the best birthday ever! :)

Antu → YuriFied
Happy birthday!
Hope you will get a wonderful day with alot of gifts! ^_^
Hope you will get a wonderful day with alot of gifts! ^_^

corals → YuriFied
by any chance did you see a sica version? :) dont worry about the exact location, ill look for it by myself :)

YuriFied → corals
thanks for dropping by...erm i got those sigs from the artwork for the exact place to get those siggies i really hav no idea cause there are too many posts xD

YuriFied → Benjamin Lim
hi there...thanks for the frend add! nice to meet you xD