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Anthony hyung ~ ssf members include? Lol ~ That should be really awesome.. I read it already, wow, WenFany is so lucky with the beginning, I'll follow it to see who'll be on it.. maybe somebody I know in this 4rum.. This fanfic'll be a success, hyung ^^
Jul 20 2009 01:37 AM


hahaha.. really you sent it accidentally to your teahcer.. if your teacher happens to be a guy, he might end up as a obsessed snsd fan(like me)lol .. hahaha.. nice 1 chichi.. btw take care always ok.. ^_^
Jul 17 2009 12:54 AM


=) This thing makes me laugh, Anthony hyung ~
Hmm.. I sent you an email about containing a CeCi clip, right? I sent it to my English teacher by accident.. Bad me.. And today I received her reply saying that it's every exciting.. I feel shy right now.. =)
Take care, hyung
Jul 16 2009 07:22 PM


Okay, hyung.. I promise but just the video with small size because I think sending large size is big problem.. why can't you download something from file hosting site?
I wanna spread Soshi love, hehe!~
Jul 14 2009 08:20 PM


chichi my email add is [email protected].. if its fine with you, pls send it to me thru email.. thanks a lot.. im really having some problems downloading.. thanks again.. ^_^
Jul 14 2009 08:02 PM


What's your email address, Anthony hyung? If you can't download, I can upload video online for you, hehe~ or you want to down? I'll send
Jul 14 2009 07:58 PM


hey chichi.. bout the vids of snsd that you have, if its not to hassle for you, can you pls send it to me thru email.. im having a hard time downloading it in the video downloads section.. if its ok with you though.. thanks.. have a good day.. ^_^
Jul 14 2009 07:49 PM


Wow.. I guess my unnie is really really happy with you..
Thanks for talking with me in a while.. Anthony hyung ! :P
Jul 14 2009 06:41 AM


yup, there only dreams which will never happen in reality.. ofcourse you can call my girlfriend your unnie.. and i love my gf very much.. dont worry my love for sooyoung i think is just admiration.. thanks chichi.. i hope you'll find the right one for you and i'll pray for that to happen.. ^_^
Jul 13 2009 09:32 PM


don't dream of them much, hehe , let take care everything next to you, they're really precious.. you know..
Jul 13 2009 09:06 PM


I think the way you love your lover ( can I call her my unnie ) is different from the way you love SNSD and Sooyoung. You can take care of my unnie, let her know your love but you can't do that with SNSD. So I hope that you can love her as much as you can, don't let her go easily and be happy together, I'll pray for you two.. hehe .. because Sooyoung and SNSD are too far from us, don
Jul 13 2009 09:05 PM


nope she doesn't know bout me loving SNSD and SooYoung but i love her though, there is no doubt about that..am i evil because of loving SooYoung? i hope im not.. its just, seeing SooYoung really kills me..
Jul 13 2009 08:58 PM


Haha, hyung.. you should love your lover more than Sooyoung.. does she know about your loving Sooyoung? Idk if some time I have a boyfriend, what if I love SNSD more than him, haha ~!?
Jul 13 2009 08:51 PM


thats good to hear chichi.. me? i have a girlfriend, theres some bumps and problems along the way, but it ok.. the prob now is, i think im in love w/ snsd especially SooYoung.. ehehe, its crazy coz ill never see her though..
Jul 13 2009 08:45 PM


Haha, hyung.. I was in love.. but not now.. my love went away from me already.. I'm a bit sad thinking about it but everything's alright now for me.
And how about you, hyung.. you're 26 and I guess you have a girlfriend and be happy with her.. I hope that :P
Jul 13 2009 08:28 PM