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Hehehe! It's Sunny today (get it? haha...) no seriously its really sunny in Ireland :)

There's something wrong with my computer!!! I can post pictures all that comes out are words LOOOOONNNNGGGGG words and I'm freaking out!!!! What to do???? Someone help me please!!!!! I'm scared they might ban me or something I tried to edit it but it came out longer!!!!!! Someone help PLEAAASSSSEEEE!!!!!!

More friends!! Yay!!! Thank you!! Sorry for not replying faster I'm still wonky with this :/ But thank you!! Stephy and I appreciate it ^o^

MadToonz → SONEno.9
Heyy~ Thanks for stopping by! =] I'm guessing you don't mind being friends? lol

I'm great thanks!! How are you?? I still need friends though hehehe! Again thanks for adding me ^•^
May 17 2012 03:52 PM -
I'm fine. lol you're welcome! well I'm sure you'll be able to make friends with many other sones on here. You just gotta take the initiative sometimes. =]
May 26 2012 03:45 PM -
Yup yup! :) Thats good advice!! Thanks!!! :) Can I ask you a question? What is the neutral thing?
Jun 14 2012 05:24 AM

Hi :) Thank you! Again sorry I'm only seeing this now :\ As you can see although it's been 7 months I'm still not getting the hang of it :/ Anyways Thank you!!! :)
Apr 06 2012 03:06 AM