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agentjjlee → Hyunjin808
O.o wooo! its your birthday??? Happpy Birthday new~ (ex-retired) subber XD

pubsquash → Hyunjin808
Hawaii!! Happy Birthday! May you have an awesome day filled with pineapple joy even though you hate it~ haha

Hyunjin808 → Holly
lol you're disgusting. dark circled... banana? where'd peels come from

Holly → Hyunjin808
like I said. IRRESISTIBLE! Moths can't help it, and neither can you, pineapps! wahahahaha
go to sleep then. or else you're gonna have to spend a fortune on vitamin E products to treat those baggy circles around your peels!
go to sleep then. or else you're gonna have to spend a fortune on vitamin E products to treat those baggy circles around your peels!

Hyunjin808 → Holly
..MOTH TO THE FIRE? that's so completely life-threatening. the only thing i'm lying to myself about atm, is that i'm not tired.

Holly → Hyunjin808
then why are you like a moth to the fire? burnt, again & again? LOL There's definitely irresistibility involved. stop lying to yourself, pineapps! :D