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iheart-x → xo_taeyeon23
but theres nothing to do in toronto, thats why its soo BORING. LOLS

iheart-x → jeynassica
spring is cool . summer i love the beach . omg dont even talk about the snow, i hate it so much .. LOLS

LovelyTroll → iheart-x
The link:

LovelyTroll → iheart-x
Sorry I'm spaming SONEs to vote for GG on GDA!! Vote HERE !
You have to register for the site before voting.
Just follow the steps as in the video ^^ SONEs, we really want SNSD to win Daesang Awards all the 9menbers together with fany too! ^^ Remember,vote once a day! Need your POWER!
You have to register for the site before voting.
Just follow the steps as in the video ^^ SONEs, we really want SNSD to win Daesang Awards all the 9menbers together with fany too! ^^ Remember,vote once a day! Need your POWER!

xo_taeyeon23 → iheart-x
i guesss lol toronto isnt that bad .
if i get reaaally bored i just do some speeding up north LOL
if i get reaaally bored i just do some speeding up north LOL

jeynassica → iheart-x
but i like winter
(although i love spring more)
because i never experience Winter and touch the snow..So i expect the snow falling down my country for miracle..^^
but i like winter
(although i love spring more)
because i never experience Winter and touch the snow..So i expect the snow falling down my country for miracle..^^

iheart-x → jeynassica
really ? at least you dont have cold winters w/ snow.. winter r freeezing and they like never end..

iheart-x → xo_taeyeon23
you should do clubbin here, i find it pretty fun.. since toronto is really boring.. nothing to do LOLS

888SNSDCam → iheart-x
like when u comment on news of other form, some people will post some pic with comments. i also want to post some pic tooo but i dont know how? can u help me with that?

xo_taeyeon23 → iheart-x
LOL she better let me
ooh . i been clubbing in montreal but yeaaah it was weird lol cant wait til im 19 lmfao
ooh . i been clubbing in montreal but yeaaah it was weird lol cant wait til im 19 lmfao