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Uta → Dandan87
neeh.. ik heb eigenlijk nog geen ideeën.. jij?
waar woon je eigenlijk? :D misschien kunnen we samen doen ofzo..
ik was namelijk van plan om met sommige mensen die project te doen..
waar woon je eigenlijk? :D misschien kunnen we samen doen ofzo..
ik was namelijk van plan om met sommige mensen die project te doen..

Dandan87 → Uta
hey, zag je post in de 3rd anni around the world project, wat leuk dat je aan mee gaat doen, ikzelf ben ook van plan om mee te doen ^^ heb je al wat ideeen? :p

Dandan87 → Ryo
Ryo, I hope you will get better soon and come back to the Soshi family. I will pray for you , just like all the other SONEs. Ryo, HWAITING!!!!!

Dandan87 → Taurus
周丹丹 don't tell me your name is also the same in chinese characters :o LOL :p

Dandan87 → Taurus
sorry for late reply :p but really? your name is also dandan? really unique, yes =) but I don't think your name is the same as mine in chinese characters :p

Taurus → Dandan87
Hello, dandan. My real name's dan dan too! :D
I think it's special cause all the dandans i met are female, and i'm the only male. =_=
But that's what makes me unique and easy to remember! Hahah!
Nice to meet you!
I think it's special cause all the dandans i met are female, and i'm the only male. =_=
But that's what makes me unique and easy to remember! Hahah!
Nice to meet you!

Dandan87 → Uta
Whahaha, zei toch al dat ik niet echt actief ben daarop :p ik ga je ff add'en op facebook, daar ben ik wel wat "actiever" (ehm -_-") :p

Dandan87 → kimisuki
Hey! ik zie dat je vandaag jarig bent ^^...Happy Birthday =)