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SNSDave → TheSupremeFortre
If you end up in SoCal during winter, come to our christmas party.
If you end up in SoCal during winter, come to our christmas party.

TheSupremeFortre → SNSDave
LOL..I know bro. I'm sorry. D: look on the bright side..I'm there in spirit. haha.

TheSupremeFortre → prinsesawow
haha, nothing to worry about. you have plenty of time to have fun and get good grades before going to a university and worry about college stuff.

prinsesawow → TheSupremeFortre
lol I'm like so nervous for univ and I'm still like in grade 9 lol
But right now all I do is mess around with my bffs lo
But right now all I do is mess around with my bffs lo

TheSupremeFortre → prinsesawow
yeah, when you become a college student its all about studying and work D: lol. dude, I wish I was like still in what high school? then life would be much easier. haha.

TheSupremeFortre → JessicaBro
Its nice to meet you bro. Anyways, you made it on the smtown photo album. ^^

prinsesawow → TheSupremeFortre
Wow busy much? lol
Just lazin around cause I don't have any homework or tests coming up lol
Just lazin around cause I don't have any homework or tests coming up lol

TheSupremeFortre → prinsesawow
Nothing much. Just chilling and resting up for now before I work on my study for classes tmrw and test's on tuesday. D: you?

TheSupremeFortre → SNSDave
Sorry late reply bro. I'm from Norcal, not Socal. Sorry for the bad confusion. Though I really love the SoCal vibe. It has everything I want and need. xD I have a cousin who's going college down SoCal though. ^^

SNSDave → TheSupremeFortre
Always a pleasure to get another SoCal'er in the place.

TheSupremeFortre → SNSDave
sorry for the late reply, but thanks yo. much appreciated for the welcoming there. lol.