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purplestar_83 → HyoT
WHA?? I am NOT that old! I'm no one's Grandma! We're not talking anymore...

HyoT → purplestar_83
hi mom!
u are my mom now.
i have 3 kids and they are loli, tin tin and q!
n u are their grandma now
u are my mom now.
i have 3 kids and they are loli, tin tin and q!
n u are their grandma now

dreamygirl922300 → purplestar_83
yaaah i hate it when mommy and daddy fight~>_<

purplestar_83 → dreamygirl922300
I know kids don't like to see their parents fight, but we're good now!

dreamygirl922300 → purplestar_83
I'm goooood! ^^ I see you and T are getting along well~hehe

LoLi → purplestar_83
I miss U too *Hugs* but loli is busy with projects, schools and world cup lately T_T

karmachild → purplestar_83
oh m fine...jus a bit tired these days...need my hyodose :(