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go_snsd_goAstrid FM

klo dari channel YT nya ssfsub msh bisa di buka? bahaya klo udh gk bisa TT_TT
Aug 05 2011 01:30 AM

_taedorkAstrid FM

yeah I beleiev its true XD
oh and my mistake XD i must have been very excited XD its Sooyoung not Seohyun HAHA!
but many sones/filipinos said they saw them but no proofs or pictures yet though...
Aug 04 2011 01:40 AM

Astrid FMgo_snsd_go

Ngga bisa dibuka. Temenku juga ngga bisa. Semua videonya kayak broken gitu filen-nya.
Aug 03 2011 06:36 AM

go_snsd_goAstrid FM

kmaren? msh libur ya? enak nya...
klo aku biasa ke skolah pulang2 buka inet dll..
btw, emng video di ssf gk bisa di buka?
Aug 03 2011 02:50 AM

Astrid FM

What is happening with all the videos in soshified? I can't watch anything-_-
Aug 02 2011 07:23 PM

Astrid FM_taedork

LOL, right. Anyway, your recent status update..is that true? Yuri, Taeyeon, and Seohyun are now on Philippines?
Aug 02 2011 07:06 PM

Astrid FMPertiwi Novianti

Tangsel, SMPN 8 Tangsel. kakak?
Aug 02 2011 06:56 PM

Astrid FMgo_snsd_go

Kemarin habis dari rumah nenek di Jakarta, cuman itu doang. Kakak?
Aug 02 2011 06:55 PM

Pertiwi NoviantiAstrid FM

ok! hihi aku follow kamu, tai di follback yoo (@suyeonyu)
kamu sekolahnya dimana saeng?
masih tangerang apa tangsel?
Jul 31 2011 08:40 PM

_taedorkAstrid FM

yeah!~ they are pretty addicting!
but SMENT surely knows how to make money!
every now and then they releases snsd stuffs and its a bit pain in the pocket XDDD
Jul 29 2011 02:54 AM

go_snsd_goAstrid FM

hahaha... knp bingung masalah transport?? emng udh tau tujuan tmpt konsernya dmn.. hahaha..
btw, lagi apa nih akhir2 ini??
Jul 29 2011 01:36 AM

Astrid FMc010530y

Baru beberapa bulan sih...hehe^^ kakak kenapa bisa suka sama SNSD?
Jul 28 2011 03:45 AM

Astrid FM_taedork

I started to know about them when I watched Happy Together-SNSD. And, yeah..just like you. I got curious about them, then I watched their music videos, and now I'm in love with all of them
Jul 28 2011 03:43 AM

Astrid FMgo_snsd_go

Ralat* Aku di SMPN 8 Tangsel. Kalo aku sih Insya Allah boleh, tapi transportasinya bingung-_-
Jul 28 2011 03:42 AM

Astrid FMgo_snsd_go

Aku di SMPN 8 Tangsel. Kalo kau sih Insya Allah boleh, tapi transportasinya bingung-_-
Jul 28 2011 03:39 AM