Community Status Updates

_taedork → Astrid FM
Yeah~ I wish to do well in next exam hihi!
Nowadays I'm taking part in our school program docufilm.. I'm in editing team so things get busier and busier .. so I'll say sorry in advance if I replied late hihi..
Nowadays I'm taking part in our school program docufilm.. I'm in editing team so things get busier and busier .. so I'll say sorry in advance if I replied late hihi..

_taedork → Astrid FM
Finished exams! XD
I failed other subjects TT
I have to do better next exam period!!!!!
out of 8 subjects TT 3 are only passed ><
I failed other subjects TT
I have to do better next exam period!!!!!
out of 8 subjects TT 3 are only passed ><

Astrid FM → _taedork
What? 4 exams per day? Wow..if I were you, I might die-_- wish you luck!

_taedork → Astrid FM
Sorry I replied late again ><
just became busy lately ~
exams are coming!! in Friday and Saturday I'll take 4 exams per day~ a total of 8! Gosh.. TT
and no I didn't get a chance to see them~
they went many islands away from us and also on the private part of the beach they went to.. but there were pictures though ^^ a korean uploaded SooY...
just became busy lately ~
exams are coming!! in Friday and Saturday I'll take 4 exams per day~ a total of 8! Gosh.. TT
and no I didn't get a chance to see them~
they went many islands away from us and also on the private part of the beach they went to.. but there were pictures though ^^ a korean uploaded SooY...

Astrid FM → go_snsd_go
Aku mau ngelanjutin nonton MTV SNSD, sama MNET Factory Girls.

go_snsd_go → Astrid FM
u emng kmrn nyoba nntn apa di ssf? gw nyobanya SOR ama GGTS...

go_snsd_go → Astrid FM
kmren ku coba nntn via YT channel nya ssf msh blm coba smua, jd ga tau ada yg rusak atau nggak