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babystrawberry3, awwww you make me feel so flattered. Maybe I will post them back but first editing them into gender bender. Lol
Aug 01 2013 01:02 PM -
For sure! That would be awesome!
But I personally prefer leaving the characters as they are because it's hard to picture Jessica and Tiffany as males. HAHA!
Aug 01 2013 04:30 PM -

riara → √on
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riara → mitchell
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riara → acresnsd09
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riara → Cyannie
Hi, I was lurking around and stumbled to "I Got A Girl". Then, I went to ur profile and there, I saw Matsui Jurina and Matsui Rena on ur page! I was so excited that I decided to say hi! Gosh, do u like AKB48 too?