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khevzs → AznIntegra521
oww.. at least i think you're safe when you're under your parent's roof.. hehehe..
May 11 2011 04:01 AM
AznIntegra521 → khevzs
honestly, if I did have the finance, I wouldn't know yet if I would do it. I guess it depends on if i'm ready to be on my own or not.
May 10 2011 12:10 AM
khevzs → AznIntegra521
but if u have the finance to do so, you're going to do it oppa?? i think i can' do that.. im scared of being alone. hehehe..
May 09 2011 11:20 PM
AznIntegra521 → khevzs
oh no no no that is true, 18 years old you can live on your own, I just choose not to coz I don't have the finance to do so.
May 09 2011 11:06 AM
khevzs → AznIntegra521
oh, i thought in other countries when u reached 18 y/o nd above, u can live out of ur parents.. here in PH, it's not lyk that, even if ure 50+ years old u still live w/ ur parents.. it the same there??
May 09 2011 02:37 AM
AznIntegra521 → khevzs
I am working, I'm not making like a ton of money, I'm only working part time, so I can have a little spending cash. I live with my parents coz its cheaper this way.
May 09 2011 12:50 AM
khevzs → AznIntegra521
so u live w/ your parents?? i thought youre working oppa??.. hehe..
May 08 2011 05:28 AM
AznIntegra521 → khevzs
I would but I don't want to leave the city though you know? I don't have any way of earning money to live on my own.
May 06 2011 11:35 PM
khevzs → AznIntegra521
why don't you just move to other school? if you moved early, you'll finish early.. -_-||
May 06 2011 08:43 PM
AznIntegra521 → khevzs
actually my college has several buildings through out the city but its STILL over crowded coz of all the students that wants to go there. ITs really madness and too much hazzle even getting classes are hard.
May 06 2011 02:06 AM
khevzs → AznIntegra521
so you admit that you're lazy, johnny oppa?? hahaha.. why don't they just build another school -_- b (as if like it was that easy..hahaha)
May 06 2011 01:04 AM
AznIntegra521 → khevzs
well Dongsaeng-ah, my school really isn't famous, its just most high student wants to go there coz we're lazy and don't want to leave the city mainly.
May 04 2011 10:20 PM
khevzs → AznIntegra521
oh~?! now I understand! ..ehehe.. I'm really slow in picking up. hahaa.. your school might be famous, right oppa? coz most students are enrolling there.. hehe..
May 04 2011 01:17 AM